Software Defined Radio Academy

10th Software Defined Radio Academy. Conference for all SDR enthusiasts, who still want to learn something.
Saturday 06/29/2024
10:00 am - 5:00 pm
Room Berlin, conference centrum East
The 10th Software Defined Radio Academy is a conference and as such part of the HAMRADIO convention. HAMRADIO visitors can attend the SDRA for free: Either all of the SDRA or just single talks.

Topics will start from very introductory presentations to very advanced talks, but they will all give you a good estimate of the state of the discipline.

Here is the final programme: - Please consider this page before attending as short notice changes may occur. Most talks are in English, one is in German language.

The SDRA will take place in hall BERLIN in the Conference Zone EAST which is about 10 minutes on foot from the main area.

For people not attending the HAMRADIO convention: There will be a live stream at


Markus Heller, DL8RDS
Michael Hartje, DK5HH